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Avoiding Stress

Being a student isn’t always easy. We have put together some helpful hints to assist you in some common university-student problems. By no means do we cover every problem you may encounter and not every tip on this page will work for everyone. The most important advice we can give you when you encounter personal or class related problems, is to talk to someone. There are people, including University staff, around who will be more than happy to help.

Stress and You

With everything you have to think about on a daily basis, stress will affect you. Below are a few ideas to help you avoid negative stress and to help make stress more manageable.

How To Lessen Stress

  • Avoid alcohol
    • Alcohol is a depressant that only masks the symptoms of stress. Over use or abuse of alcohol does not reduce stress.
  • Avoid drugs
    • Drugs affect your mind and body lessening your ability to cope effectively with day to day life.
  • Avoid overwork
    • Constant study or work can make you more tense and irritable.
      Schedule in some recreational time and relaxation time.
  • Manage stress
    • Manage your meals
      Eat right; a balanced diet with few sugary snacks can help. Sugar gives you an initial, but short-lived burst of energy, but acts as a depressant later.
    • Manage your exercise
      Plan to exercise at least 3 times a week for at least 20 minutes. Exercise helps clear your mind and renew your energy.
    • Manage your sleep
      Most of us need 7 to 8 hours. The right amount of sleep keeps you alert, less irritable and more in control.
    • Manage your pace
      A change of pace can relieve tension. Take time to relax or to try new things. Do something you enjoy!
  • Avoid panic
    • Excessive worry or panic just increases an already high stress level. Try to pace your work so you’re not overloaded at one time. If you find yourself overloaded try to do one thing at a time and do the best you can.
    • Accept time constraints and work with them.
  • Manage test anxiety
    • Be prepared
      Ask the instructor what will be covered on the exam.
    • Review your notes
      Recall facts by reciting them out loud. Try to predict and answer possible test questions.
    • Relax
      Enjoy 10-15 minutes of peace and quiet. Tighten then relax muscle groups.
    • Master test-taking skills
      Read all directions. Survey the exam to see what types of questions there are; will some count more than others?
      Budget your time.
      Outline answers for essay questions.
      Work on only one question at a time.
      Mark difficult items and return to them later.
      Concentrate on the test.
      Keep a positive attitude.


Counseling and Career Development Center

The Georgia Southern Counseling Center offers many services and workshops to help students. Click here for more information.

Last updated: 12/21/2023